torsdag 18. februar 2010

Kurs med Oliver Kirali, Ungarn 8-9 Mai

Kom Mai du skjønne milde!
Nordby's Hundesenter inviterer til kurs 8-9 mai med Ungarske Oliver Kiraly. Han er en internasjonal kapasitet vel verdt å få med seg. Kurset holdes i Bingen, og for de som ikke følger med er det i nærheten av Hokksund.

My name is Oliver Kiraly I live in Hungary, close to Budapest in a small village named Jasd.
Currently I have six goldens, most of them are from US field lines. I run tests, trials and during the shooting season I take them for picking up whenever I can. I feel lucky, since all my dogs are very different, but talented with good qualities, so I could title all of them. We won several Open tests in different countries. We won the Austrian WT finals in 3 years, and became the Austrian WT Champion twice (Bronco – 2003, Monty – 2006). Monty is also a Field Trial winner (FTW), as well as Shift who unfortunately passed away last November when he was only 5 yrs old.
The new generation is ready to step up: Gambler (Shift’s son) is a promising trial dog, and I currently have a young puppy out of Monty aswell.
I judged tests and trials in several countries (Hungary, Austria, Italy, Germany, Belgium, England) and the highlight of my judging carrier was in 2007, when I was invited to Highclere to judge the Skinners International Event as the only judge from the continent.
I’m a founder of the Hungarian Working Retriever Club and a member on board for the Hungarian (Golden) Retriever Club. This year –for the 2nd time- I will take a team to England to compete at the Skinners World Cup Retriever Event. Beside all this occasionally I give trainings and seminars on my own training ground in Hungary and sometimes abroad.
This will be my first time in Norway, so I’m very excited about it! Looking forward to meet new handlers and dogs, I’m sure we’ll have a nice weekend!

Det er noen ledige plasser i "advanced" gruppen. Kurspris kr 1200.- (med hund) og kr 500.- for observatører. Påmelding til Trude Lieng eller mob: 472 38 122
Kjenn din besøkelsestid!

søndag 14. februar 2010

Flere Labradorer

Flere eksempler i serien "slik så de ut dengang"....

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mandag 8. februar 2010


Kennel faks, , har valper om noen er valpesjuke.
Her får man hunder etter meget gode engelske linjer.

Og slik i år...

mandag 1. februar 2010

Vinteren i fjor...

Bildet er fra trening på Stend 1. feb 2009. Årets vinter
er den lengste siden 1979. Værmeldingen fremover gir
heller ingen trøst.
Men vi får jo trent fotgående da.....

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